Run With Docker

Docker is a way to distribute self-contained applications easily. We provide a Docker image for the Community Edition that you can very easily install and upgrade on your servers. Your machine needs to have the Docker Engine Communiti Edition (CE) installed first. Refer to the docker installation page


docker pull openscada/opc-proxy

This will pull an image with the .NET framework dependencies already installed and with a compiled executable. The image is built from this repository, it contains a standalone opc-proxy that can provide all supported connectors endpoint, Kafka, InfluxDB, gRPC.


Create a configuration file:

# host directory to share with the docker container
mkdir  opcProxyConfigs
# the configuration file must be called "proxy_config.json"
touch opcProxyConfigs/proxy_config.json

Edit the config:

/* proxy_config.json */

    "loggerConfig" :{
        "loglevel" :"debug"

    "nodesLoader" : {
        "targetIdentifier" : "browseName",

    "grpcConnector" :   false,
    "influxConnector" : false,
    "kafkaConnector":   false

This will tell the OPC-Proxy that:

  • Needs to connect to an OPC server at the specified URL, we use a python test server as described in Setup an OPC-Server with Python, if you are using another test server you need to update that line.

  • The nodesLoader here will match against a whitelist all nodes of the server, it will look for a Node with BrowseName attribute (see OPC Data Structure) equals to MyVariable, which is default for our test server.

  • The log level is set to DEBUG, so that we will see the output of the variable changing.

  • All connectors are set to false, meaning that this proxy will only connect to the opc-server and nothing more.

Setup a docker container:

cd opcProxyConfigs
# Env variable to make easier the next command

docker create       \   # (1)
--name proxy_test   \   # (2)
--network="host"    \   # (3)
-v ${OPC_LOCAL_CONF}:/app/configs  \  # (4)
openscada/opc-proxy     # (5)

# below the same command as above but in one line (copy-paste friendly)
docker create --name proxy_test --network="host" -v ${OPC_LOCAL_CONF}:/app/configs openscada/opc-proxy

This is quite a long command, let’s brake it and see what it means:

  • It creates a container of the image in (5) named as defined in (2).

  • In (3) set the localhost reference inside the container to point to the image host machine, so one can use in the config file localhost to reference to a service running on the host machine. If you would like to use the default docker networking option then you would need to find the IP of the docker network bridge, more details in the Docker guide Configure Networking.

  • Line (4) is the most important, here we are mounting an external volume to the docker container, the syntax is simple: -v absolute_path_to_host_dir : mirror_dir_in_container, now all the content of the host_dir will be available to the docker container dynamically. Here we want to pass the directory we just created that contains the configuration file.


the volume path must be an absolute path from the /, even if the dir does not exist docker will not output an error.


Docker containers must have different names, so unless you remove the container (docker rm) you must change the name.

Run the Container

First you need to start your OPC test server (see OPC Test Server), then you can run the docker container:

# start the container and attach output to STDIN, close with Ctrl-C
docker start -i proxy_test

This should output something like this:

2020-01-08 17:05:53.5762|INFO|OPCclient|Creating Application Configuration.
2020-01-08 17:05:54.1004|WARN|OPCclient|Automatically accepting untrusted certificates. Do not use in production. Change in 'OPC.Ua.SampleClient.Config.xml'.
2020-01-08 17:05:54.1004|INFO|OPCclient|Trying to connect to server endpoint:  opc.tcp://localhost:4840/freeopcua/server/
2020-01-08 17:05:54.3017|INFO|OPCclient|Selected endpoint uses the following security policy: None
2020-01-08 17:05:54.3017|INFO|OPCclient|Creating a session with OPC UA server.
2020-01-08 17:05:54.3495|INFO|serviceManager|Loading nodes via browsing the OPC server...
2020-01-08 17:05:54.3765|INFO|OPCclient|Surfing recursively trough server tree....
2020-01-08 17:05:54.5011|INFO|cacheDB|Number of selected nodes: 1

Usefull Docker Commands

# start container in the background
docker start proxy_test

# stop container
docker stop proxy_test

# restart container (usefull when edit config)
docker restart proxy_test

# list running container
docker ps

# list all containers
docker ps -a

# Remove container
docker rm __container_name__

# remove image
docker rmi  __image_name__