
The OPC-proxy can connect with only one OPC-server, on the other hand it can put the OPC-server in comunication with a large number of clients, each of these clients can use its own favourite protocol. The OPC-proxy has a modular design, to add new capabilities one simply needs to add the corresponding connector. Connectors are modules for the OPC-proxy that implement an endpoint for a communication protocol, they can leverage the OPC-proxy core library to interact with the OPC-server. To write your own connector see the Extend Connectors section. In this section we describe the currenlty supported connectors: gRPC, Kafka and InfluxDB.

An OPC-Proxy can run multiple connectors, so for example one can push metrics to InfluxDB while serving a gRPC or Kafka (or both) endpoint.

gRPC Connector

gRPC is a modern open source high performance RPC framework, initially developed at Google. It is very flexible and userfriendly, it can easily put in communication different services independently on the programming language used. For more information visit

As a comunication layer gRPC uses HTTP2, while it uses protocol buffers as serialization/deserialization and Interface Definition Language.

The OPC-Proxy gRPC-Connector repository can be found at gitHub-GrpcConnector. You find all its configuration options in the Configuration section.

Protocol Definition

A client can initiate Read request and a Write request. In future also a subscritpion to server push on variable change will be available. The read/write request and response are defined in the proto-config-file that you can download from this gitHub-repo, you can use the proto-config to generate automatically the code needed for the comunication in almost any language.

A node is represented as:

NodeValue : {
    name : string,   // name of the node
    value : string,  // is always a string you need to deserialize it
    timestamp : string, // format ISO 8601 - UTC
    type : string      // int, bool, float, string

The value of the nodes is always serialized to string, is you responsability to deserialize it to the type specified.

A read request and its response is defined as:

ReadOpcNodes( ReadRequest ) returns ( ReadResponse )
// where:
ReadRequest : string[];  // list of node names to be read

ReadResponse : {
    nodes : NodeValue[], // list of read nodes
    isError : bool,
    errorMessage : string

The data exchanged in a write request is:

WriteRequest : {
    name : string,
    value : string

WriteResponse : {
    isError : bool,
    errorMessage : string

The value of the write request need to be serialized always to a string, the OPC-Proxy knows what is the right type and will take care of the conversion. In case of conversion error or OPC-server error it will return an error message (error message still in preparation see issue #1)in the response and the isError boolean will be true. A successful write request will have a isError = false.

gRPC Client Example

An example client based on NodeJs is provided in the gitHub-OPC-Node-Client-Example Follow the instruction reported there.

First run the OPC-Proxy configured with a gRPC endpont, this example assumes an OPC-Proxy running on port:5051, which is default, it also assume that the OPC-server is the Python-OPCUA, or in general that there will be an exposed variable called MyVariable.

The example will read and write a value to MyVariable of the python test server example. The value of MyVariable is always increasing by 0.1 every half a second. The client will read its value and reset it to 1.

Keep in mind that the OPC-server will push variables values (if they change) to the OPC-Proxy with rate of 1 sec, you can query the OPC-Proxy much faster than that, the write request will be forwared to the server immediately, but read request will read the latest value from the memory cache of the OPC-Proxy.


Apache Kafka is an open-source stream-processing platform, it is the de facto standard for high-throughput, low-latency handling of real-time data feeds.

The Kafka-Connector add the ability to the opc-proxy to stream data to a kafka server. It supports:

  • Sending a message on a topic when a node value changes (notification form opc-server)

  • Bidirectional comunication, read/write and possibly more, with the PLC using an RPC protocol. The protocol supported is JSON-RPC-2.0.

This library uses the Avro serialization library, which allows great flexibility in defining the structure of the data exchanged. As storage engine for data schemas we are using the Confluent SchemaRegistry, which is necessary for this library. In the future a JSON based serialization option will be available and so the additional complexity of a schema registry will not be required anymore (see issue #4).

The OPC-Proxy Kafka-connector repository can be found at gitHub-KafkaConnectorLib. You find all its configuration options in the Configuration section.

Data Streams

The Kafka-Connector will by default define three topics the name of which depends on the configuration variable opcSystemName:

  • The Metrics-topic, the one containing a stream of nodes value on change, is named as the opcSystemName configuration variable.

  • The RPC-request topic, the one where all the (write) request are send, is named opcSystemName with appended suffix -request.

  • The RPC-response topic, the one where all the RPC-style responses are served, is named opcSystemName with appended suffix -response.


Keep in mind that your consumer clients need to have different group ID if you want all of them to receive updates. Also Do Not assign same group ID as the the OPC-Proxy to any other clients.

Serialization Deserialization

In Kafka messages are organized as a key:value pair. Key and Value can be serialized/deserialized with independent serializers, we choose to serialize Keys using the standard string-serializer, so the message key will always be a strings, while the values are serialized using the Avro framework.

In Avro one describes the data structure in a JSON-schema, the schema is stored in a schema-registry server, each message has an ID that refer to that schema, so each client can deserialize the messages dinamically. One can add a data type or modify an existing schema and the client will be able to properly deserialize the data without the need of additional code. So changing data structure (if backwords compatible) will not break clients. It also give flexibility, one can configure it to send messages with different data content on the same topic and the consumer will always be able to deserialize it correctly. Here we use this last property, independently on the Node value type, the consumer will always get the value properly deserialized (and already with the right type) depending on which language you are using.

For the Metrics-topic, the one where are streamed the nodes values on change, we use as Kafka message Key the node variable name, while as Kafka message Value we use the following Avro schema:

    type: 'record',
    name: datatype + 'Type',
            type: datatype

Where datatype can be: string, double, float, boolean, int, long.


For the RPC-style comunication we are using Kafka as a simple message broker, the default configuration of the producer and consumer of the RPC-topics are such that the comunication between the OPC-server and your client is preformed with latency of the order of 10 ms. The protocol used used for this comunication is defined in the JSON-RPC spec. Even tough Kafka might seems inadequate for an RPC-style comunication, we find that it makes communication in a system (with many microservices) simpler and more flexible, it is a way to standardize comms, allowing for example a kafka-stream or a Storm-bolt to write easily to an OPC-server.

You can find the Avro schema used for the RPC-request and RPC-response topics at gitHub-RPC-Schemas. We tried to make it as close as possible to the original spec, but there are a few differences. The RPC-request kafka message-key is a string and is controlled by the client, the Kafka-Connector does nothing with it except making sure that the corresponding RPC-response will have the same message-key. A request message will look like:

// Request
    method : string,
    params : string[]  // list of strings
    id: long or null

Where the only method supported by now is write (but in the future might be more) and params is expected to contain a list with two strings, the first one representing the name of the node, the second one its value. The Kafka-Connector will take care of serializing the value from string to the correct data type expected by the OPC-server. The id if provided will be forwarded to the response, in case of null then the Kafka-Connector will return the Kafka offset as id in the response, in this way you can let Kafka worry to generate system-wide unique ids for you (well, in this case topic-wide unique ids), you can collect the offset at request time, tide it to the topic and store it memory, then wait for the corresponding response.

A response message value in the RPC-response topics, would look like:

// Response
    result : string or null,

    error : {  // != null only if an error exist
        code : integer,
        message : string,

    id: long

Given that the only supported method is “write”, the result will be a string representing the written node value to the OPC-server, and will differ from null only in case of successful write operation. The error object will only be present in case of an error (when “result” is null). The id is either forwarded from the request or the Kafka-Offset of the related request-message in the RPC-request topic.


If the RPC-request topic has more than one partition and the id is set to null in a request, the response id will be ambiguous. Please inform us if you have such a use case.

Kafka-Connector Client Example

You can find an example of kafka client for NodeJs in this repository gitHub-NodeKafka_client. Here we assume as opc test-server the OPCUA-Python-server. Using Node we show how to connect to a published data stream of nodes change on kafka, and how to interface to the kafka-RPC for writing nodes values.


InfluxDB is an open-source time series database optimized for fast, high-availability storage and retrieval of time series data in fields such as operations monitoring, application metrics, Internet of Things sensor data, and real-time analytics.

  • Library used

  • pushing metrics